


life story, criminal acts, narrative identity


The paper  hereby is an attempt to analyse  the narration presented by perpetrators of incest acts and to state what meaning they give to the events  in life and the meaning they give  to interpersonal relationships, in particular – how they perceive their own family, both in generational and procreative terms. The way they present themselves and their preys, their personal interpretation of life events  can be useful as a method supporting  the processes of diagnosis and psychotherapy. Out of the statements made by the examined, the common features of the  presented stories  were analysed in terms of dominating topics, such as : self - perception ,  generational  family,  procreational family, as well as the tales they create on the subject of a prey and a woman. In the analysis it was exposed that none of the perpetrators admits his guilt  nor do they  present the will to right their wrongs . It is very often that the stories concern sexual offence towards daughters  lasting for years , both physical and psychological, the history of addictions, the lack of perceiving borders and unbalanced family powers.


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