C O M P A R A T I V E A N A L Y S I S O F M O D E L S O F L O C A L G O V E R N M E N T O F G E R M A N Y , B R I T A I N A N D S W E D E N


  • Mariusz Kardas
  • Celina Kucharska


Local government is a very important element of the public administration. In every country of European Union there is the local government which has very long tradition in most countries. Because there is no universal model of the local government, the authors of the article tried to make a comparative analysis of models of European government in countries, which are characteristic for some basic types of the local administration. In the content there have been discussed the most important government questions in Great Britain, Sweden and Germany, showing basic forms of the local authority, which in effect gives a picture of solutions used in European countries. Despite the fact that the article doesn’t show every aspect of these wide and complicated problems, it should be helpful to look at the situation of the local government which occurs in every European country.




