defense, fuzzy models, risk, safety, threatsAbstract
The universality and incredible complexity of the security concept generate enormous problems during the attempts to build a uniform definition of it, which meets formal and substantive criteria. Equally significant problems are implied by the very complicated typology of security, classified in many ways according to various taxonomic criteria. The paper presents the principles and method of using the theory of fuzzy sets by A. L. Zadeh for qualitative analysis of so-called negative security of an entity having certain defense capabilities. The analytical exemplification of the entity’s security was carried out based on fuzzy modeling using, for this purpose, the tool that is Mamdani fuzzy controllers (systems). For this purpose, security was defined as a logical function of three variables: threat potential, risk, and defense potential of the entity. The effect of the fuzzy model is a fuzzy security value expressed by a symbolic linguistic variable.
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