The effectiveness of the counterterrorist deterrence strategy in the light of the concept of ressentimental revaluation of values
counterterrorism deterrence strategies, terrorism, concept of frustration-aggression, concept of narcissism-aggression, ressentimentAbstract
The aim of this article is to look at two types of counterterrorism deterrence strategies: denial strategy and reintegrative punishment strategy from the perspective of the concepts of frustration-aggression, narcissism-aggression, and ressentiment. In the author's opinion, the above strategies can be effectively applied only to subjects who have not experienced feelings of inferiority that led directly to narcissism and ressentimental reevaluation of values (the frustration-aggression concept). In the case of subjects who have such experiences, including their psycho-emotional consequences (the concept of narcissism-aggression and the concept of ressentiment), all peaceful forms of persuasion, just as the threat of inev-itable punishment (proposed by both deterrence strategies) will not be effective. In such cases, the only course of action seems to be an uncompromising fight against all forms of ideological violence or socio-political prevention, consisting in building the largest possible pluralism, and where this is impossible for various reasons, cultural-political isolation.
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