L E G A L N O R M S A N D E L E C T O R A L C O U R T A C T I N E L E C T I O N F O R T H E E U R O P E A N P A R L I A M E N T I N P O L A N D I N 2 0 0 4


  • Tomasz A. Tupalski


European Integration, European Parliament, European Law


Election of Members of the European Parliament on Polish territory for the first time took place in 2004. This election is a historic moment, because Poland and Polish people for the first time we were able to choose their representatives to the European Parliament. For the first time will Parliamentarians have its European family, the structures of the Polish accession to the European Communities, so that we share responsibility for the further development and future of our Europe. The elections were conducted under the Act of 23 January 2004 – Elections to the European Parliament. The literature on this subject is small, they are mainly publications concerning mechanisms for passing laws and discussing its main goals. Existing data do not cover the whole subject, as appeared before the majority of the Ordinance implementing acts. I hope that my article although the closer the issue of electoral law and the holding of elections to the European Parliament, and will be for the reader an introduction to the handbook and knowledge for entry to the course of European integration, European communities law and will bring the functioning of the institutions of the European Union.




