situational approach in management, situational leadership, adaptability of managers, management effectiveness, management styles, police managementAbstract
The need for agile action in precarious and non-standard organizational situations triggers a renewed interest of managers in situational leadership. In the management of employees of the Police, the situational approach appears to be particularly desirable due to the specificity of its statutory tasks and the increasing tendency of employee departures. The article aimed to identify the scope of the effectiveness of situational leadership in the Police and the adequacy of the management styles given the determinants of a given management situation. Based on the assumptions of the SLT model, quantitative research using the CAWI method was carried out based on the LEAD questionnaire on the effectiveness and adaptability of managers. The Delphi method partially validated the questionnaire to adapt the wording to the specificity of the work in the Police. The study covered managers of all levels of management of the Lesser Poland Voivodeship Police (basic, medium, and higher). The obtained results showed that the analyzed managerial staff of the Police effectively uses the situational approach in management. However, further actions to increase the level of effectiveness are needed. The analysis of managers’ ability to adapt management styles to management situations, taking into account the levels of management occupied by the respondents, revealed a significantly higher level of adaptability of middle managers in relation to the basic level and a slight decrease in these skills in senior managers in relation to the medium level. Of the three groups of managers surveyed, only middle-level leaders effectively use all management styles. Police managers and other organizations operating in times of dynamic socio-economic changes can use the presented conclusions to increase the effectiveness of situational leadership.
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