Proof of the beginning of the fall of the empire? Marine doctrine of 31.07.2022 as an operating strategy of the Russian Federation after the failure of the plan for domination of Ukraine




maritime activity, maritime policy, the state's maritime potential, the Russian Federation, sustainable development


The article assesses the provisions of the maritime doctrine of the Russian Federation of July 31, 2022. It was assumed that it is one of the three economic strategies aimed at implementing the assumptions of the development policy of the Russian state. In the course of analyzes focused on the method of constructing the economic policy of Russia in the era of Putin, defining the role of the maritime doctrine in its overall policy and its content, it was found that the document of July 31, 2022 was given a political and propaganda dimension. It was considered that its content was to hide the failure of the principles of the export policy of fuel and energy industry products, and thus the use of income from these exports for the economic modernization of the state. It was also shown that the document focuses on the presenta-tion of potential forms of maritime activity of a global power without rationally embedding these intentions into the economic reality of the Russian state. 




