H I S T O R I C A L A N D I D E O L O G I C A L -P O L I T I C A L S O U R C E S O F T H E N A Z I P R O J E C T „N E U E E U R O P A ” A N D I T S I M P L A N T A T I O N I N E A S T - C E N T R A L E U R O P A


  • Stanisław Musiał


nationalism, nazism, anti-Semitism, extermination, enslavement


The present study focuses on historical and ideological-political sources of the nazi project „Neue Europa” and its implementation in East-Central Europe. The authors shows these sources can be found in the middle of 19th Century and the Nazis only radicalized the means of implementation by supplementing that project with the racist component. In the final section of this study are presented the consequences of the „Neue Euro-pa” project for the peoples of East-Central Europe.




