Securitological conception of the power of political entities
security, dimensions of security, pillars of security, power of political units, happiness, Gross National Happiness (GNH)Abstract
The author, upon presentation of the current measures of political units related to security and happiness, attempts to associate those with the four common Initial Conditions of the Universe (mass, energy, space, and time), the first causes of true knowledge as indicated by Aristotle (material, causative, formal, and purposeful), as well as with elements of the social system distinguished by social cybernetics (soci- omass, socioenergy, sociostructure, and socioculture). And with such factors influencing "Gross National Happiness", as a sustainable and fair socio-economic development, promotion of culture, and protection of the biosphere, also including good policies and political system. Four pillars and dimensions of security are implied in the following interaction and exchange: 1) Procreation and education (from mass, material cause and sociomass) – demographic dimension; 2) Wealth and prosperity (from energy, efficient cause and socio-energy) – economic dimension; 3) Law and System and the rule of law (from space, formal cause and sociostructure) – system and legal dimension; 4) Freedom and Responsibility (from time, final cause and socio-culture of liberal democracy societies) – psychosocial or cultural and civilizational dimension. The author alleges association of these dimensions and pillars, with the material and energetic aspects, and, social and cultural factors, as visible in the measurements of both the powers of political units, and Gross National Happiness (GNH). This connection is presented in the final drawing.
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