The concept of military power development applied for the medium-sized state
armed forces, military security of the state, strategic management, referential model, medium-sized stateAbstract
The paper presents the concept of the military security and defence capabilities development in the medium-sized state. The concept is of interdisciplinary nature, as it combines problems in the field of security sciences with methods and tools used in management and quality sciences. It proves the functionality of strategic management applied to create the methodology of the planning and decision making process within the area of military power development. The study presents a referential model of the process, that makes the respective operations clear, justified and structured. The comprehensive approach including tools and methods executed both in security sciences and management and quality areas, enables the avoidance of misguided decisions, misplaced efforts and needless costs. It also facilitates reaching the goals established. The concept is an innovative solution which integrates the best practices which are in- dispensable when applied to the medium-sized state.
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