Antonio Gramsci’s theory as a tool to study international hegemony under corporate globalisation




hegemony, superpowers, transnational corporate class, historical bloc, Gramsci, neo-Gramscianism


Article demonstrates the validity of Antonio Gramsci's theories and neo-Gramscianism for the study of the phenomenon of hegemony under conditions of corporate globalisation in the 20th and 21st centuries. Therefore, it firstly includes a reconstruction of the mechanisms and structures described within their framework, and secondly their application to the characterisation of the hegemonic subject and practice in the 21st century. The content of the article characterises, on the one hand, the instruments for constructing value systems that ensure the voluntary acquiescence of subordinated states and social classes, and, on the other hand, the methods for creating a historical bloc that ensures the supremacy of the transnational corporate class and capitalist powers in shaping the international order.


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