S O C I A L W O R K I N T H E W I D E R C O M M U N I T Y . I N S P I R E D B Y T H E P A S T


  • Mariola Szczepańska


working with the local community, education backyard, civil society organizations (TPD, ZHP), work programs with the local community


The article focuses on three areas of work with the local community. First of them is the experience, which is highlighted as the most important of traditional Polish people in this area and the relevance of selected activities is pointed out that can serve best practices. In this respect, pedagogy described backyard, TPD and scouting activities (ZHP) with particular emphasis on the NAL. The article shows the legal and social arrangements that provide assistance and social work with people who need it. The whole article closes the author's proposal of the employment programs with the local community.




