I N N E R P E A C E – A D E T E R M I N A N T O F C O L L E C T I V E S A F E T Y


  • Alicja Żywczok


peace, inner peace, feeling safe, culture of peace, peaceful upbringing


This thesis is a result of a careful thought on what peace is and what its essential features, aims and necessary conditions are. I have proposed a notion that inner peace of individuals making up a given community (especially of leadership elites) is conducive to collective safety, while significant disturbance of the inner peace of a certain group of individ-uals results in a global unrest, often on an international scale. In an attempt to approach the subject in a comprehensive manner I justified that in-ner peace of individuals leads to global inner and outer peace. I also conducted lexical anal-yses aimed at identifying identical, synonymous and antonymous terms with the word, „peace”. I indicated the main reasons for war and the conditions for keeping peace, empha-sizing the significance of pedagogics in the prophylaxis of war and in the spreading of the culture of peace. I also proposed a classification of philosophical and pedagogical attitudes of intellectuals devoting their efforts to the concept of peace throughout the history of human-kind and in the world of today. I presented argumentation confirming the assumption that the culture of peace results from a certain upbringing process based on a democratic existence of parents with their child. My praxeological propositions include the educational and prophylactic function of biographies of individuals commonly recognized as promoters of peace. I also provided an outline of the upbringing programs aimed at children and the youth, and serving the role of strengthening peace and public safety.




