E L A C ( E U R O - L I B Y A N A C T I O N C O M M I T T E E S ) A S A N E T W O R K - C E N T R I C O R G A N I Z A T I O N


  • Kornel Sawiński


ELAC – Euro-Libyan Action Committees,, ommunitarism national-european, communitarism national-european, Muammar Kaddaf, Luc Michel, geopolitics, information warfare, network organizations


This article is an attempt to analyse the phenomenon of a network organization, whose establishment has been directly connected with the political situation in Libya since the middle of February 2011. The protests that took place in Libya were the result of successful (overthrow of the legal authorities) riots in Tunisia and Egypt. The riots were significantly and perhaps even decisively inspired and controlled from outside, with the use of a netwar technology, which is part of ‘soft power’ weapons. The supporters of the Libyan system, the people who sympathize with the direct democracy, in the manner of the Libyan Jamahiriya also use this weapon while leading information wars in defence of their axioms. A manifestation of this is undoubtedly a net ELAC, created significantly on the basis of MEDD-MCR ( Movement for European Direct Democracy- Mouvement des Comites Revolutionnaires – Revolutionary Committees Movement ). The analysis of ELAC net’s activity requires taking into consideration a few facts that distinguish it from activities of official government and non government organizations which possess much more financial, political and intelligence support.

−On the one hand, it is a decentralized organization, on the other hand, it is based on a strictly centralized structure of the Party PCN (Parti Communautaire National-europeen- National-European Communitarian Party);

−it is a grass-roots organization created on the basis of spontaneous reactions;

−it is a non profit organization ( its activity involves no bonus );

−it is based on officially available web social portals such as facebook or twitter and websites.

To keep the chronology of narrative and also to understand the essence of the phenomenon of ELAC it has been necessary to carry out an analysis of the activity of the political party PCN and the social-political movement MEDD-MCR in the context of their most important net ventures.




