Author Guidelines


To be processed, the notification must contain the following four elements:

1. The file containing the article prepared according to the requirements of the editorial office;

2. File containing the article but devoid of information enabling the author to be identified (for the purposes of the review);

3. Author/Authors Statement (signed scan);

4. Declaration of co-autorship (only when co-author or co-authors exist, signed scan).


Technical Guidelines for Authors:

• Papers should be sent electronically in a .doc or .docx format the Public Knowledge Project Open Journal Systems or – in exceptional cases – onto the email address:

• When working on the final version of the manuscript, please use the EASE (European Association of Science Editors) guidelines for authors and translators of scientific articles published in English

• All articles should include:
- information about the author (exact affiliation, ORCID, e-mail address, phone number);
- title in Polish and English;
- abstract in Polish and English;
- keywords in Polish and English;
- proper content (it can be divided into sub-chapters – the introductory part should contain information on the sources and methodology of the text);
- references.

Author(s), ie all people who contributed substantially to study planning, data collection or interpretation of results and wrote or critically revised the manuscript and approved its final version and agree to be accountable for all aspects of the work. Each person who meets the first criterion should be allowed to participate in the drafting and approval of the final version (ICMJE 2015). The authors listed first should be those who did most.

Names of authors must be supplemented with their affiliations (during the study) and the present address of an author for correspondence. We recomend to supplement ORCID of authors.

Title should be unambiguous, understandable to specialists in other fields, and reflect the content of the article. Be specific, not general or vague (O’Connor 1991). If relevant, mention in the title the study period and location, the international scientific name of the studied organism or the experimental design (eg case study or randomized controlled trial).

Abstract should briefly explain why the authors took up the issue/conducted the study (BACKGROUND), what question(s) they wanted to answer (OBJECTIVES), how they conducted the study (METHODS), what was found (RESULTS: main data, relationships) and the interpretations and main implications of the findings (CONCLUSIONS). The abstract must reflect the content of the article, as for most readers it will be the main source of information about the study. Keywords should be used in the abstract to facilitate online searches of the article by those who may be interested in the results (many databases only contain titles and abstracts). In a research report, the abstract should contain information, including the actual results. (Only in reviews and other articles with a broad scope should the abstract be indicative, i.e. listing the main topics discussed but not giving the results (CSE 2014). Tables or figures should not be referred to in the abstract, as abstracts are published separately. Literature references are also not allowed unless absolutely necessary (but then details should be given in brackets: author, title, year, etc.) All information given in the abstract should also appear in the main body of the article.

Keywords include all relevant scientific terms for the topic being addressed. Keywords should be specific. Authors should add more general terms if the study has interdisciplinary relevance.

• The review should include:
- in the title: name and surname of the author of the review, then abbreviation: (rec.), colon, first name (names) and surname of the author of the publication, comma, publication title, comma, publisher name, comma, year and place of publication, comma, integer publication pages;
- proper content.

• We do not publish reports.

• Text format: Times New Roman, font size: 12 points, 1.5 line spacing, justified text.

• The article should not exceed 15 pages; review article 10 pages; discussion, reviews of 5 pages.

• The article must contain a summary/conclusions and must not end at the discussion stage.

• The body of text should not include any special formatting or highlights of any kind.

• Quotes should always be marked with quotation marks.

• Foreign language words should be italicized.

• The journal uses the APA Style standard for editing inter-text footnotes.

APA formatting style:

• Cross-references to the cited work should be included in the text.

• For one author: (Nowak, 2010), Nowak (2010) or (Nowak, 2010, p. 10) and Nowak (2010, pp. 10–11).

• For two authors: (Nowak & Kowalski, 2005, pp. 5–6) or Nowak and Kowalski (2005).

• For more than three authors: (Nowak et al., 1998) or Nowak and others (1998, pp. 5–6).

• Multiple works should be should be separated with a semicolon: (Nowak, 2010; Kowalski, 2012; Lewandowski et al., 1998).



• written in the Latin alphabet (in the case of citing sources written in a different alphabet, e.g. Cyrillic, transliteration is required). Unified and alphabetically ordered, written according to the following criteria:

• Author, X. (Year). Title of work. Publisher.

Edited Book:
• Editor, X. (eds.). (Year). Title of work. Publisher.

Chapter in an Edited Book:
• Author, X. (Year). Title of chapter. In: A. A. Editor & B. B. Editor (Eds.), Title of book (pages of chapter). Publisher.

Article in a Journal:
• Surname, X. (year). Title of the article. Journal title, number, start page - end page.

Press article
• Surname, X. ( Title of the article. Newspaper / Magazine title, number, start page – end page.

Internet source:
• Author, X. (Year). Title of article.

• Author, X. (n.d.). Title of article. Acces date from

More information about APA style - Official vitrine of American Psychological Association.


General schedule of publishing articles at Colloquium:

1) assigning thematic reviewers by the editorial office 1-12 weeks after submitting the article. Thematic reviewers are assigned after the meeting of the Editorial Board. The Editorial Board meeting takes place on one of the days of the month: January, March, June, October.

2) 2-3 weeks time to receive preliminary formal assessments.

3) Up to 6 weeks from the assignment of thematic reviewers, approval of substantive reviewers

4) 2 months time for a substantive review.

5) Up to 6 months, the decision to publish the article is made by the editors of "Colloquium" after positive substantive reviews, considering the date of receipt of the articles.

6) The editorial office reserves the right to send the article back to the authors before sending the text to external reviewers with a proposal to edit or supplement the material.

7) Ultimately, the editorial office has the right to refuse to publish materials due to the care for the scientific quality of the journal and the lack of connection with the disciplines assigned to the journal, without giving any specific reasons.