Children and dogs in the interspecies encounters




children, dogs, interspecies encounters, decoming, relationships


The article attempts to use the concept of interspecies meetings as a framework for interpreting the results of empirical research on the issues of relationships between children and dogs. The empirical studies included 75 children aged 8–10 years and 77 dogs. The research was carried out in 2020–2021. The basic research units were the observed cultural practices of children in their living environment and narratives focused on the presence of dogs and their importance as companions of children's everyday life.

Research problems have the following formula: 1) What cultural practices are observed in the child–dog relationship?; 2) What meanings are given to practices in human-animal relationships by chil- dren?; 3) How do children categorize (name) the essence of the bond between them and the dog?

From the interpretative point of view, important are selected elements of Darwin’s theory related to the category of becoming understood as the mutual transformation of forms.


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